Surrey Reflexology Healing, balance and relaxation for the mind, body and spirit. The path to holistic health

Facial Reflexology. Face1

About Facial Reflexology

Facial reflexology is treatment that has wonderful benefits for health and wellbeing, as well as appearance. The face provides a plain to give reflexologists amazing information as to what may be occurring with the body’s internal organs, systems and central nervous system. Specialised massage techniques are used on the face to either give a full overall treatment or a shorter focused treatment for a particular ailment or condition, such as stress.

Facial reflexology is based on the same theory as foot and hand reflexology, using a map of reflex points on the face and uses massage techniques on the face and head. Reflex areas and points that correspond to different organs and parts of the body are stimulated to initiate self healing within the body. It is incredibly relaxing and can initiate a very different, deep sense of relaxation. The proximity of the face and head to the brain and central nervous system is key to the added benefits of facial reflexology, as the reflex points connect directly to the body’s neural pathways. The Bergman Method Facial Reflexology is used.

Advantages of Facial Reflexology

The added advantages of facial reflexology are that it stimulates facial nerves directly, increases blood flow circulation and muscle tone in the face, encourages lymphatic drainage aiding the removal of toxins and helps to build new skin tissue and can improve skin and muscle tone. These effects can have wonderful benefits to your facial appearance, as well as your overall health and wellbeing. Your face will feel and look smoother and more toned and it has been referred to as a ‘mini face lift’ that, over a series of sessions, can reduce lines and wrinkles and induce a deeply calming feeling. It can produce a natural Botox effect, stimulating the production of collagen and elastine, giving a healthy and radiant glow, rejuvenating you and your face. Facial Reflexology is very popular with celebrities and models as a natural alternative to invasive treatments.

Experiencing Facial Reflexology

Facial reflexology is experienced on a reflexology reclining chair and you remain fully clothed. The full facial reflexology treatment session lasts for 45 minutes and works on the whole face and scalp. There is time at the beginning of the session to reflect since the previous session and also following the treatment to feed back findings and relax. A shorter 25 minute session for stress is also available.
An organic facial oil is used to aid massage techniques and nourish, replenish or revitalise the skin. This can be chosen according to client preference and / or medical history and will be discussed prior to treatments.

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